Took my wife for a ride tonight. We went to see my son's last football game for the year. They were playing a team 45 miles from our house. Nice ordinary ride on the way there. We went to leave and as I pulled out of the parking lot my F3-S went into limp mode. I pulled in to the parking lot on the other side of the school and gave the spyder a quick once over and checked the oil. I found nothing out of the ordinary so I started it back up and tried to ride it to the gas station a quarter mile down the road but it died half way there. I tried to restart it but it wouldn't fire. It just turned over. So I pushed it the rest of the way to the gas station and called for a ride so I could get my truck and trailer to tow it home. When I get back to load the spyder I tried to start it one more time and boom it sounded like a grenade went off under me including a nice size fireball. Found a couple of plastic under the spyder one has a bolt in it and one has some sort of gasket attached to it. I have not been able to check the bike over since then since it is to dark. I've owned the spyder just over 2 months and it has less than 3400 miles. I just had the first service done a few hundred miles ago. I'm thinking the timing went but won't know for sure until tomorrow when I drag it to the dealer.