I've checked a couple of the previous threads but didn't find the kind of comments I'm looking for.

I've continued to be a member of the local chapter of GWRRA after switching to the Spyder from a GL1800. Wing Ding 2016 will be in Billings, MT which means it would be pretty easy for me to go to it. The problem I have is a "step child" feeling. I went to the Idaho District rally this past summer and had the only Spyder. It was a fairly small gathering so being the only one didn't surprise me. But what I have observed and experienced, both at the district rally and a couple of regional rally's, is not surprisingly the focus is almost 100% Goldwing and Valkyrie. Hence the step child feeling. I have lost 90%+ of my interest in GWs since becoming a Spyder lover. But Wing Ding will much, much bigger so I'm thinking the GW focus may be diluted a little bit.

So my question is for those who have attended Wing Dings these past couple of years; are there enough activities, seminars, vendors, etc., that are not Goldwing centric to make it a really enjoyable event for a committed Spyder owner? How much of the odd man out or step child feeling did you experience?

I really enjoy my association with Chapter T but not being a GW owner really does diminish the feeling of being a part of national and regional levels of GWRRA.

Your opinions, please. Thanks.