It's been way too long, but we're back.

I owe an apology to all of Teddy's fans that have helped sustain us & shared in our passion and joy since way back in May of 2010 when our Grand Adventure first started.

With the new Triple Ace engine roll out for the 2014s, the new ST and now the new F3 ( wow, BRP's been busy) things here in SpyderLovers land changed. Our little community continued to grow & with that growth came growing pains, for us as a group. This just may be my perception, but things here started to become. ...... for lack of a better word.... negative. There seemed to be so much bitching & complaining, one person attacking another. It wasn't just ppl venting, but personal attacks & with me being in a bad place myself, needing back surgery & now possibly neck surgery, I didn't want to add to the negativity that I was reading about on a daily basis. When a person is down, when I am down, if I allow more negatively in my life, then that just brings me down more, so that is the main reason Teddy & I had to take a break from our SpyderLovers family. For that, I am sorry, but I thought it was in my best interest.

Much has transpired, including me having a revision surgery on my L5/S1 lumbar disc on June 30th & I start PT on Monday. I still have 3 messed up cervical discs in my neck that are causing me major issues, especially safely being able to ryde. For the past 2 months, Ted's Red Sled
