So I finally figured it out and did the oil change. Had the oil change kit sitting on the living room floor for a while.

The big problem for me was the getting the mirror off, to allow the rest of the Tupperware removal. Last night, as I was getting home from work, I remembered that every bike I've ever owned was tough to work on at first. (This is because men like to tighten everything up to excess. Or so I think.) I have even developed a special tool for this problem, a 2-by-4 that is my "wapping stick". It's used to "wap" parts that don't that don't immediately bow to my authority. All it took was a half-hearted tap with the wapper, a careful application of a pry bar and a bit of cussing and viola, mirror is off. Caused a young fellow walking by to say "Oh no; did you break it?".

The rest was just tedious. I followed the directions in the owners manual. Getting those rubber rivets out was a nuisance. Putting it back together was a pain, but at least I didn't end up with left over parts. I was amazed to see that it took me 7 hours to get 'er done. Looks like the shop will be doing this in the future.

Oily yours,