Hydraulic Handbrake

I've had a lot of PM messages on this item and I thought I would
share my finished product. Ive had a lot of time on this handbrake
since completed with no troubles at all it worked flawlessly.

What I did was simple incorporated a hydraulic master cylinder to a
slave cylinder and tied it into the existing brake system. Now I had
not planned to do this until I put the highway pegs on and found
riding like this was a little scary with no handbrake. And as the old
saying goes necessity is the mother of all invention.

The design was simple I found two untapped bosses that were directly
in line with the existing master cylinder. I found a slave cylinder that
was totally adjustable and had Spring return. I made a bracket tapped
out the two bosses to have something to bolt to the frame then removed
the pin from the foot pedal to the master cylinder and replaced it with
a cleves and drilled out the threads so the slave cylinder shaft would
have a guide to keep it straight.

I had tried a couple different master cylinders and ended up with one
a little unusual but works perfectly with this application it really fits
a early model Honda XS 650. It fits the 7/8 Bar and is a 22mm bore.


It gives me plenty of stopping power in less than a pull and leaves me with plenty of
handbrake extra.

Now about the Cleves it was picked up at a hardware store and the threads were
drilled out to make it a guide for the slave cylinder ram so it would center exactly
right and pivot with rotation. Just make sure when you change the bolt you drill a
hole and put a put carter key in it or something that cannot come out because if it
did you lose all brakes.

Early Dual Disc Master Cylinder
Early type (72-76) Dual Disc Brake Master Cylinder Assembly
as used on European model XS/TX 650's (22mm. Bore).
Made by MikesXS for our European Distributors.

Part #08-3000 $99.00 USD EA.

As you may have noticed I spaced the master out jest a little to give
me a little more handle so it would not hit the throttle electrical control.

Again I will like to say any alterations to the factory brake system can
be dangerous and even life-threatening. I'm not trying to scare anybody
about this is something you must think about before trying this on your
