Hello everyone!! I've been researching the internet and creepin spyderlovers for a few months now. I was reading through the 4sale section last week and finally found my deal! I saw a 2012 RS with 680 miles, white, ISCI handbrake, riser, and extra seat for only $13,000!! So I pulled the trigger yesterday and drove round trip for about 14 hours with my brother in-law and trailered it home. I just ordered my web boards and ordered a smoothspyder backrest that I can use while I am by myself and my wife can use it when she rides with me. I haven't decided on the setup for my wheelchair yet though. I like the way the chair and bike looks much better when it is stored on the actual back of the bike. However, I think that with my wife being a semi-regular passenger, I am going to have my father in law make a "folding chair hanger" for lack of better terms on the off-muffler side and just use my spare folding chair as my new ryding chair. I have alot of other custom things in store for the future, but for now I am simply getting the standard comfort and safety items i need to enjoy the new ryde. I just basically wanted to poke my head in and introduce myself and to ask fellow chair ryders if there is anything they wish they could have or wish they would have done different. I want to do my best to get it right the first time!! Heading out now to take some backroads back and forth between a huge church parking lot where I can get used to my entirely new way of ryding with the wind in my hair. This forum has and is a great help in getting me ready for my spyder, but now its time for my spyder and I to get to know each other. Happy ryding everyone!!