I guess you are planning to have a lot of gaps between Ryder's or a line long enough that the sweep won't be able to see where the leader has turned. This does happen sometimes on our ride. We practice a similar tactic called bread crumbs. We will never make a turn without leaving someone behind. So if we have gaps and the last person in the lead group can't see the person behind them they will stay at the turn and wait for the trailing group to find them and then lead the group, through the turn and on to the leading group. In these situations we will stop and wait for the trailing group, but only if and where it is safe to do so.

Two things we do different though, where the road allows we ryde in a staggered formation. The Road Captain is to the left side of the lane and the person behind them is to the right side of the lane. Third in line is to the left fourth to the right and so on. The second Ryder maintains a 1 second gap behind the lead Ryder and stays to the right of the lane. The third Ryder in line is 2 seconds behind the lead, and 1 second behind second Ryder. We try to maintain this stagger through out the line allowing sufficient following distance to make adjustments as needed. When the road narrows we will form a single file formation. Also at lights and stop signs or turns we bring the formation in as tight as possible with front wheels overlapping rear wheels of the Spyder in front and to the side. This allows a Long line of Ryder's to make it through most lights, and minimizes the time spent at stops. Works pretty well.

I hope you have a spectacular event and some awesome rydes. Ryde Safe. It looks like you will.