Ok let me start by saying this is more of a question and answer thread, because i dont know much about the true facts about the wing engine. Hear is my two cents. we are already hearing that the engine on the RT is to small and the gas milage is bad, before 99% of the people have even riden the RT. it is not a 30 year old concept like the gold wing, it is all new, i thing the BRP design team did a great job on the first two models in three years in the market of on the road riding, here again is my two cents.
RT vs GW
lets say the RT gets 30 mpg and the GW gets 40 mpg.
30 x 6 = 180 miles
40 x 6 = 240 miles
so we spending $ 25000.00 on the machine, are we worried more about the extra $ 5.00 it cost us to go 60 more miles or that we could ride 60 more miles?
I think if we are spending $ 25,000.00, $5 bucks is not going to make me buy a GW.

Second= what is the percentage of people that ride over 180 miles without stopping. not me!
Third = RT will go over the US speed limit, so how fast do you need to go?

When you go buy a new car do you buy the one that gets 40 mpg over the one that get 30 mpg. or how far you can go on a tank of gas, NO you buy the one you like the best.

Can't wait for my RT-S and trailer to get here.