You have to do what makes you comfortable. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone or you might end up shut in your house and not go anywhere if things get too extreme.

My wife was scared to ride with me on my motorcycle and now on my spyder. She was afraid that we would get hit and die. It was a valid concern, but one day, she was hit by a car while walking across a parking garage. She was pinned under the front tire, but thank God, she survived. She will now ride with me, but we wear our safety gear (helmets, neon yellow riding jackets, etc). She managed to overcome her fear of riding when she realized that she almost died while walking.

When you put things into perspective, when your time is up, it is up. It doesn't matter if you are enjoying your spyder, out for a walk, watching tv, or sleeping. Enjoy life while you're able too, don't postpone it or put it off.