Wow! Most excellent! What a nice thing to do!

Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
And the amazing news for the day....(I'll have to better detail this trip once I get home)

You all know we had 2 HD's that got tire damage-- another one had his left saddle bag fall off going 70 mph on the freeway. Trashed the bag but we got some of the contents back.

So on our way out of Boston we stop at Boston Harley in search of a new left saddle bag.

Well- not only did they have the ($475) bag in stock---- they gave it to him FREE of charge !!!

They had the exact bag leftover from one of their rental bikes just sitting in the back room. They had no use for it so they gave it to him. Has some scuffs on it but so does his other one.

What are the chances of them having that same bag and giving it to him??
