Has anybody found an 1157 LED bulb that doesn't cause hyperflash on a 2020 F3?

I bought some these AutoOne 1157 bulbs https://www.amazon.com/Lights-AUTOON.../dp/B09W4C1D4K

I need to replace the current ones due to when I have the afterburner lights on that I have installed it is drowning out the dim incandescent bulbs of my brake and turn signals.

The autoone led bulbs are definitely bright enough to fix the issue but I am getting a weird hyperflash after doing the lamonster hyperflash fix.

While I am in full motion the bulb does not hyperflash but slow down or stop (even with the brake off) it hyperflashes.

I just read in another thread that the hyperflash fix has to be done with the engine running so I will give that a try first as I did the fix with just the ignition on and not running.

But if I need to get a new set of bulbs who has used one that works without hyperflash?