I've been sniffing around the interwebs wanting to change the springs on my front shocks. I've discovered there are two tiers of springs available. The name brands and the no-name brands.
Hyperco and Eibach are examples of the first tier. Well known. Good quality. Premium price. (Eibachs run $72-74.00 for a 10" 1.88 ID 300 pound spring, each. Hyperco are in the same ball park. AFCO too.)

On the bottom tier are, for example, "Magnitude Performance." No, I've never heard of them, either. Take a look: ($15.00 a piece. I'm guessing it's a closeout price; the company was recently purchased.)

Here's another bottom dweller: RT Pro, which makes items mainly for off-road use: Off-road seems to me to demand at least as much quality and durability as the name brands do. $28.00 a piece.

It's easy to say "Eibach is better." But as a now-retired professor who taught critical thinking I gotta ask "What makes them better?" and "What makes the off-brands not worth a look?"

Teachers don't make much money. I know I didn't, so cost is a factor in any decision I make about my Spyder.

So, ladies and gentlemen, what say you?