Quote Originally Posted by Pooch View Post
So I am pretty much newbie to the workings of this site. I thought the "map" was for members to mark their location. After reading THIS thread I clicked on the map and was able to put a marker on it with my screen name and location - but - the marker itself is about 150 miles from my actual location. I can't make the marker move to my actual location by editing the info or dragging it and it says I do not have permission to delete it.
Evidently with my input of the marker it put a thread out here that showed I had input the marker.
That thread is called Pooch, Kerrville TX.
Then...I get a sarcastic response that indicated it was somewhat useless for me to have input the marker since I did not have any tools, etc to provide.
I apologized for doing so in that thread and apologize for doing so in this thread.
Moderators, please just delete the marker and be done with it. Thanks.
Sorry, I tried to avoid sounding sarcastic or judgmental. Ironically I was just about decided to add my own marker when your thread appeared.