[quoteI did not mean to be either rude or condescending. forums are a great way to communicate with one another but sometimes the fun part gets lost in translation... If you feel I was condescending to you, then I apologize. That was not my intention. [/quote]

Accepted, Truth is, when the Kidney Doctor took away my two wheels I would have ridden nearly anything. Looked close at the Wing conversions and the Harley "Tri-Glide", even a Ural with a side car. Nearly fifty years of trying various trikes never gave me a good impression of them. I have ridden a few BIG (V-6 & V-8) that were not too bad except for the huge size and length.

Given room, I ride hard (for an old man) and would love to still have a sport touring such as the V-4 Honda. As I mentioned in the past, a Spyder buitl by Honda with their styling, bags, 1300 V-4, etc would have been my choice. Got the next best thing.

BTW, you can lift a wheel, leave black all the way across an Alabama creek bridge, do a three wheel slide, and outrun a good number of Baby Squiddlies on the river road that have never pushed a Brit Triple to the limits aginst the "new" CB-750 Hondas on California tracks.

There are lots of the PRC & ROK scooters around this area. Checked several of them out for people I know and pushed them toward a couple of the entries from India. When you are fifteen it is hard to beat a 125 cc "chopper" that, at fifty yards, looks like it was built by OCC. We are a service industry area and "good money" for lots of these kids is $10/hr flipping meat at a beach Wendy's!