This from Facebook:
Most of you know who Lamonster Lamont Bryden is...
If you are able... send prayers or healing thoughts his way. He's my buddy and I have known him for years... he's the "Spyderman" in our Spyder community. Here's the update from Joan.

Last week we hosted our event Spyders in the Ozarks. Lamont knocked himself out for weeks getting ready. As some of you know he got very sick Friday evening at the pie run and was sick at home ever since. He had a high fever from then until Monday or Tuesday. I kept begging and pleading to let me take him to the hospital. No. He had 3 appointments within 24 hours and the surgeon gave us news I wasn’t ready to hear. Supposedly he had a clear ultrasound in July. Now he was recommending a liver transplant instead of zapping the potential cancerous lesions. How did we get here? Last week this wasn’t even a consideration. I’m in shock. He was scheduled to have more tests run yesterday. He couldn’t keep anything down. But he could hardly get in the car. So I took him to the ER. So far we got acute renal failure, his kidneys were starting to shut down. His lipase level was nearly 3000. His liver and kidney labs are not good. He has pancreatitis. They are treating him with massive IV fluids for dehydration and no food or drink for the pancreatitis. He’s on heavy morphine for the pain and sleeping mostly. He’s in and out. I am going to have to make a more general post. I cannot keep up with two phones of texts and messages. I don’t want anyone bothering him although I know they mean well. Lamont has 3 sons, a sister and mother and I’m updating them as they are anxious. The only thing I ask is understanding. We still have a business to run and Jacob is handling it. Lamont and I will not be available 24/7 for questions etc as we have been in the past. We need time. We need prayer. We need compassion. We don’t have answers. We have to get him out of this crisis. Neither of us is from here so we have no family here in Missouri. It’s just us.