After a lot of research, reading reviews on this forum, and a few phone calls to windshield manufacturers, I've decided on a F4 windshield for my 2018 Spyder F3-S.

I am 6'2" and most of my height is in my legs. I ride with my pegs in the forward most position. They have 28" and 32" models available. From what I understand, the top of the 32" may be right at my eyesight line. I want to look over the windshield at all times, not through it, but I also want to ensure I get maximum wind redirection over the top of my helmet. I sometimes slouch a bit when riding as well.

Is there anyone out there around my height that has purchased either of these two models? I am considering ordering the 32" and having them cut an inch or two off of it before shipping it to me. Obviously once they do then I can't add any height back to it if it is too short. Also trying to minimize/avoid sending windshields back and forth to F4 for resizing.

Appreciate any feedback you all may have to help me figure out what height I should get.

Thanks in advance!