I got a note from BRP that they did send my 25K pin out but for whatever reason I never got it, nor did Doc. They also said that they are sending these out every three months. So depending on when you applied for the pin you may get it in a couple of days or you may not see it for three months. That would explain why some have gotten theirs and some haven't.

This pin (if we do it) will be in addition to your BRP mileage pin.

I'm going to ask Mark at CAT if he can make me up some SpyderLovers 5K pins. I have no idea on the cost of these and if we can do the 25K pins too but we can send you a 5K pin for every 5K you put on your Spyder. I may have to tie it into a t-shirt sale or something to where if you have over 5K you could request a pin. Maybe give your current mileage when you order from the store.

Anyway that's just a thought on how you can showoff your mileage and promote the club too. I'll let you know if this is a go or not after I talk to Mark.

So if you have over 5K please post your mileage here so we can get a starting count production wise.