Like many of you I had some noise coming from rattling mirror on my F3T.

To get rid of this, here's what I did.

first, I removed the platic cover by pulling it out.

From there, you can see that the mirror part is kind of loose and on my Spyder, it was that movement that was causing the rattling noise.

So, I just Removed the screw that was keeping the mirror in place
F3T - Mirror (2) - Copie.jpg

And I put a small amount of hot glue on both holes that are keeping the part in place at the other end.

F3T - Mirror (4) - Copie.jpg

Before the glue was completely hard, I just replace the mirror in place and put back the screw.

Using hot glue will allow me to remove the mirror if needed, but will also fill the gap between the small pin and the hole, preventing any unwanted movement and noise.

After a road test, the annoying rattling noise was gone.

5 minutes solution for something that was about to drive me insane...