We stay busy! Our dog sitter cut the grass for us this time. Very nice. We have a long stretch being home - 3 weeks. I have MSF class to teach, a couple of bikes to work on, and I'm manning a booth to sell firecrackers to raise money for the American Legion. So, can't sit around much. Gotta go fire up the swamp cooler - it will be 110 out in the garage, and we have post trip maintenance to do! Ann has 3 new tires to mount, needs an oil change, and has a odd noise to figure out. Plus, lots of dead bugs to scrub off. My bike is running great, this time! a big shout out to Misty Mountain sheepskin seat covers - they rock! Makes the heat tolerable. At least for parts of us! Our cool vests got a work out, too! We use camelback water bladders. Helps out a lot! Looking forward to the cool of SD! Joe